The George D. Widener Cottage on Bellevue Avenue, designed by Horace Trumbauer in 1913. Please enjoy the following Links to read! To see another house designed by Trumbauer which is in a similar style to Miramar, but no longer exisiting, click on Rose Terrace, the Anna Dodge mansion at Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
Gala House Opening
Garden View
George Dunton Widener
Horace Trumbauer
Luxury Real Estate
Rose Terrace
Sheldon Good & Company
The Widener Family
It's so criminal to look at the real estate photos and see the gilding in the hall---contrary to the restraint of its original finish....although I suppose one should not complain, as at least the house survives....but I hate the lily gilding that went on in so many finely designed houses in the 90's..
One of my favorite homes. I agree with DED that one does not need to gild the lily. I hope the new owner has the restraint and taste that this home deserves.
A shame the original gardens did not survive.
A larger version of "Miramar" also done by Trumbauer was "Rose Terrace" for Anna Dodge outside of Detroit which sadly does not survive. Search - rose terrace - at YouTube for four videos on this once grand estate.
I like the idea of the New York Times covering the gala house warming party in 1915. It gave the home and the architect the fame it deserved. And it makes our research easier now :)
As an interesting aside, half the world was slaughtering its young men in the war to end all wars in 1915. Yet the Gilded Age was certainly continuing for some families.
Lived in Miramar for a few years when it was a Girls Private School..I wish at the time we knew or appreciated the history of the house..
Anonymous, Will you please talk about that experience including what family owned Miramar at the time? I have the ad for the school in my Bazaar magazine May 1965 issue but I can't find anyone talking about going to that school or who owned the mansion at that time. Please share! Thanks!
Anonymous Also
I went to the school for several years. 1965 to 1967. It was a beauiful place to go to school. Did not appreciate it at the time. My room was on 2nd floor facing the ocean on the left. there were 6of us girls in that room. Cashmere rugs, and giant tub with gold claw feet bathroom was all marble. I had a year book but lost it
Miramar School for Girls was owned by the Penners..It closed after a short period of time.and the property sold.
How strange! I was at Miramar from January 1967 to May 1967. I also was on the second floor facing the ocean on the left with 5 other girls. It was the pink room with cashmere rugs, giant tub and marble bathroom. The Penner's were the owners at the time. Lauraine, surprise, surprise we must have been roomates! How bizarre. I wonder if you'll even read this. I was back in Newport a few times not so long ago and was astonished I lived in such splendor. That's why I went there. I took one look at the place as a 15 year old and thought "well, if I have to live somewhere..."
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