Above is a rare view of the entrance hall of the Captain De Lamar Mansion, Pembroke at Glen Cove, New York. This view also shows the organ grill for the Aeolian organ which Pembroke like any other mansion of the gilded age would have had. Organs were the entertainment centers of the day. No mansion would be complete without a pipe organ and Aeolian was considered the best. There are many accounts that organs caused great stress during the design process when planning out these homes since the owners wanted to show them off and architects and designers wanted to hide them, since they often did not fit in with the desired period of the rooms. Click
HERE for a youtube slide show about the F. W. Woolworth Mansion, Winfield Hall at Glen Cove and views of it's pipe organ as concealed behind a carved paneled wall.
HERE for more on Pembroke.
WikipediaNew York Townhouse